Тайлбар: 1970 оны дөрвөн сард хөлгийг гэмтээсэн дэлбэрэлт болсны дараа Аполлон-13 хөлгийн нисэгчид саран дээр гурав дахь удаагаа хүний мөр гаргах төлөвлөгөөгөө зогсоох хэрэгтэй болсон юм. Тэд сарыг тойроод дэлхийдээ эргэж ирэхийг оролджээ. Энэ үедээ сарны цаад талын зургийг авсан байна. Зургийн зүүн талд байгаа том хар толбыг Москвагийн тэнгис гэж нэрлэдэг. Энэ толбо нь лаваар бүрхэгдсэн, солирын цохилтоор үүссэн тогоо юм. Энэ толбоны зургийг анх Зөвлөлтийн зондоос авсан тул ингэж нэрлэгдсэн байна.
Explanation: In April of 1970, after an explosion damaged their spacecraft, the Apollo 13 astronauts were forced to abandon their plans to make the third manned lunar landing. Still, while coasting around the moon in their desperate attempt to return to earth they were able to photograph the moon's far side. The large, dark, smooth looking feature on the left in this picture is known as the "Mare Moscoviense". It was created by a lava flow filling in a large impact crater on the lunar surface. As suggested by the name, the Mare Moscoviense was first photographed by an early Soviet lunar probe.
Explanation: In April of 1970, after an explosion damaged their spacecraft, the Apollo 13 astronauts were forced to abandon their plans to make the third manned lunar landing. Still, while coasting around the moon in their desperate attempt to return to earth they were able to photograph the moon's far side. The large, dark, smooth looking feature on the left in this picture is known as the "Mare Moscoviense". It was created by a lava flow filling in a large impact crater on the lunar surface. As suggested by the name, the Mare Moscoviense was first photographed by an early Soviet lunar probe.
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