Тайлбар: “Тэрэгний дугуй” галактик нь том жижиг хоёр галактикийн мөргөлдөөний үр дүн юм. Жижиг галактик нь манай Сүүн замтай адилхан байсан том галактиктайгаа мөргөлдсөн цэгээсээ эхлэн нуурын мандал дээр долгион тарах адил од үүсгэх долгион гарган том галактикын дотуур тарсан байна. Хоёр галактик мөргөлдөх үед однууд нь хоорондоо бараг мөргөлддөггүй. Үйлчлэх гол хүч нь гравитац байдаг ба тэрээр мөргөлдөөний хилээр нягтын долгион үүсгэх ба энэ нь халуун, тод, залуу оддыг үүсгэх процессыг эхлүүлснээр зурагт үзүүлсэн цагиргийг үүсгэдэг байна.
Explanation: The Cartwheel Galaxy shows a ring that is the result of a collision between a small and a large galaxy. After a small galaxy has moved through a big galaxy - in this case one that probably resembled our own Milky Way - a star formation wave moves out from the impact point like ripples across the surface of a pond. When galaxies collide it is rare that any two stars actually collide. Gravity, however, causes density waves to move out through the galaxy which in turn triggers the formation of hot, bright young stars, producing the ring that we see in this picture.
Explanation: The Cartwheel Galaxy shows a ring that is the result of a collision between a small and a large galaxy. After a small galaxy has moved through a big galaxy - in this case one that probably resembled our own Milky Way - a star formation wave moves out from the impact point like ripples across the surface of a pond. When galaxies collide it is rare that any two stars actually collide. Gravity, however, causes density waves to move out through the galaxy which in turn triggers the formation of hot, bright young stars, producing the ring that we see in this picture.
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