Тайлбар: Одод Санчирын цагиргийн цаагуур өнгөрөх үеийн анивчилтыг ажиглах замаар Вояжер-2 сонирхолтой кадруудыг авсан байна. Энэ зургийг δ - Хилэнц од Санчирын гадаад цагиргуудын нэгний цаагуур орсон үед авчээ. Ийм аргаар Санчирын F цагираг дээрх 100 метрийн хэмжээтэй деталиудыг буюу энгийн ажиглалтаас 1000 дахин жижиг объектыг харж болох юм.
Explanation: By watching a star flicker and fade as it passed behind Saturn's rings, NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft was able explore the ring system in amazing detail. Data produced by Voyager's instruments as the star Delta Scorpii was occulted by some of the outer rings was used to reconstruct this image which shows details almost 1000 times smaller than normally possible with Voyager's cameras.
Explanation: By watching a star flicker and fade as it passed behind Saturn's rings, NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft was able explore the ring system in amazing detail. Data produced by Voyager's instruments as the star Delta Scorpii was occulted by some of the outer rings was used to reconstruct this image which shows details almost 1000 times smaller than normally possible with Voyager's cameras.
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